Feachtas na mBoscaí Bróg/Shoe Box Appeal
Shocraigh Comhairle na Scoile gur mhaith leo tacaíocht a thabhairt do dhaoine atá ar an ghannchuid sa cheantar máguaird. D'ullmhaigh na daltaí (agus tuismitheoirí) boscaí bróg agus chuir siad réimse de rudaí deasa isteach iontu. Ar an iomlán, thug daltaí Bhunscoil an Iúir thart fa 80 bosca bróg isteach don fheachtas! Nach muid a bhí iontach cineálta! Go raibh maith agat le gach duine a thug tacaíocht dúinn!
Our School Council decided that they would like to support those less fortunate people in the local area this Christmas. The children (and of course the parents) prepared shoe boxes with a range range of goodies, which will be greatly appreciated by those that receive them on Christmas morning. In total, the children donated over 80 boxes to the appeal. We were overwhelmed by the kindness shown by our pupils and parents. Many thanks to everyone who supported the appeal!
Bunscoil an Iúir, 74 Kilmorey St, Newry BT34 2DH | Phone: 028 3026 0860