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Bunscoil an Iúir, Newry

Gruaig Ghearrtha/Little Princess Cut

19ú Meitheamh 2019

Le tamall fada anuas, tá cailín óg i Rang 1 (Katie Cranney) ag fás a cuid gruaige. Ach shocraigh sí ar bhearradh gruaige a fháil agus na horlaí breise a thabhairt don Little Princess Trust, carthanacht a thugann tacaíocht do pháistí a chaill gruaig s’acu de thairbhe galar/breoiteacht. 

For some time now, a girl in R1 (Katie Cranney) has been growing her hair as long as possible with the intention of donating the extra inches to the Little Princess Trust, a charity that supports children who have lost their hair due to illness/disease. Katie recently had her hair cut when a hairdresser visited the school. What a wonderfully generous thing to do, maith thú Katie!