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Bunscoil an Iúir, Newry

Imeachtaí Rang 2/3

22ú Deireadh Fómhair 2024

Bhí muid gnóthach le déanaí i Rang 2/3. D'fhoghlaim muid faoi Mé Féin agus An Fómhar.  Maidir leis An Fhómhar/ Oíche Shamhna, thug muid cuairt inniu ar Iarsmalann an Iúir agus Mhúrn.  D'éist muid le scéaltaí agus cheol muid leis an seanchaí/ceoltóir Colin Urwin.  Bhain muid an-sult as!
Le tús a chur leis an chéad ábhar eile, chuir muid fáilte roimh Noel Lyons ó ARC21, an tseachatain seo caite.  Phléigh muid athchúrsáil agus bainistíocht na dramhaíola.  Bhí deis againn fiú síolta a chur i bpotaí beaga.  Beidh ceapairí blasta biolar againn i rith an sos leath-théarma! 
Rang a 2/3 have had a busy few weeks.  In keeping with our Autumn/Halloween theme, we visited Newry and Mourne Museum today.  There, we had the opportunity to listen to the talented storyteller and musician, Colin Urwin.  We thoroughly enjoyed it!
As we look forward to exploring our next topic, we welcomed Noel Lyons from ARC21 to Bunscoil an Iúir last week. Children from a range of classes took part in workshops, where we learned about recycling and waste management.  Rang a 2/3 children made lovely pots and planted some seeds. We look forward to some tasty cress sandwiches over the Halloween break!